Real Fathers put God first

Irresponsible fathers or dead beat dads are the number one culprit of our destructive society. The blame of our immoral society rests squarely on the shoulders of men and fathers. Like any person in a leadership position God has granted that person; the FATHE1514514159-Christian-Fathers-Day-Quotes-6R, the responsibility to lead others. If you abuse that responsibility God will hold you accountable for your actions and you will be judged more harshly than the average person.  James 3:1 not many of you should become teachers or fathers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. Remember the sins of this world are because of Adams disobedience to God, Not Eves disobedience to God. Because Eve didn’t know God, Eve didn’t have a relationship with God.  Adam knew God and therefore it was Adams responsibility to tell the woman not to partake of the tree of knowledge of
good and evil. Adam should have told Eve to put the fruit down and follow him. If Adam would have understood his role as a man and a husband and told Eve this, Eve would have put the fruit down and followed Adam. But since Adam (like fathers and husbands today) didn’t do this we all have to suffer for Adams or the Fathers disobedience to God. In other words men or fathers need to quit blaming the woman and take responsibility of the household. The reason for divorce, disruptive households or families that have broken apart is because of man and fathers disobedience to God. Not woman. Most women will follow a Godly man. Most women will respect a man or Husband that takes charge and leads the family. When you hear of a man or Father blame the wife or woman, that should tell you immediately that the father is not obedient to God and he does not understand his role as a man and a father.


The fathers today are not godly men, they are passive, weak, and they do not claim head of household. God said in his Word that the Father is the head of the household. The father should submit to God, and then next in line is the Mother, and then the Children. Most men or fathers submit to the Wife or a woman before they submit to God. Have you ever heard a man say, “Well I have to check with the boss before I can do that,” you have heard a lot of mean say this. Well I have news for these men. YOU ARE THE BOSS. God has granted you the position of Head of Household.

I can’t tell you how many households I have visited where the man has absolutely no control of the house. The woman is barking out orders to the children and the husband. The fathers do not take the responsibility of the house. They have no concept of the proper order of a family. As stated in 1 Corinthians 11:3 I want you to know that head of ever man is Christ, the head of every woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Ephesians 5:22-28 Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the Church. The proper order of the house is:

  1. God
  2. Husband (Father)
  3. Wife (Mother)
  4. Children

This order of the family was understood by our forefathers. Our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers understood what it was like to be a man, husband and a father. Today’s generation of fathers have absolutely no idea what being a father is all about.

This is a checklist of what a real Father should be:

  1. A real father should pray to God daily and lead his family in prayer every day. He should teach his family the importance of prayer. A father should NEVER be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


  1. A real father should love his wife in front of his children and show compassion to her every single day. That means he needs to show love to his wife and set an example to his children of how a man is supposed to love a woman. A husband should respect his wife and love his wife the way Christ loved the church. He should show love for his wife in front of his friends, neighbors, in public places, basically everywhere. He should always touch his wife and praise his wife. She is to be honored by the father at all times. A real father should NEVER raise his voice or yell at his wife for any reason. He should have a calm demeanor around his wife at all times.
  2. A real father should not be scared to discipline his children when they have done wrong and they have been disobedient. A real Father should set rules in the house for the children to obey. A real father should punish and discipline and unruly child. If his child shows disrespect to their mother, the father needs to discipline that child immediately. Likewise if the child shows disrespect to the father, he should discipline the child immediately. Today’s fathers want to be friends with their kids instead of fathers. This is one reason why the younger generation is spoiled rotten and always looking for a handout.
  3. A real Father should constantly educate their children. Of course the number one thing a father should be teaching their children is the Word of God and how to make God’s Word applicable to their life. A real father should teach children responsibility at an early age. Teach them how to work, save money and teach them the principles of money. One of the reasons our society is so poor is because Fathers don’t teach their children about money and how to use it. Fathers should not depend on Public schools to educate their children. If a father can afford a private school, he should send his kid to a private school or Christian school. Always avoid sending your children to public schools. Public schools are not what they used to be. They are liberal and anti-God. You do not want your kids to be exposed to that line of thinking.
  4. Real Fathers understand that being a father is a 24 hour a day job. That means hanging out with the Golf buddies all weekend and leaving the mother alone with the kids, is not being a real father. I do not mean that a father should not take time for his friends, but he should prioritize is time accordingly and not let it interfere with his responsibilities as a father.
  5. A Real father should love all children and not just his own children. A healthy father will love others the same way he loves his children. A father should not be disrespectful to other children around his own children. He should show love and respect to other children. All children need the love a father. Some children do not have a father, so it is vitally important for a father to be a role model for all children not just his own kids. A real father should be a ROLE MODEL to his children and other children. That means a father should THINK about what he is doing at all times. A father has to realize he is not alone and single anymore. God has granted fathers the responsibility of being a provider and role model to children. A Childs mind is like a sponge it will absorb all information whether it’s good or bad, so make sure your actions and words are all Good.
  6. A real father should teach his children that the world is wicked and people will use you and take advantage of you. He should teach his children to stay rooted in the Word of God to guard you against the evil world and Satan’s temptations. He should teach his children that Satan is real and he wants to destroy you. He should teach his children to be fearful of God and to Love God and respect him at all times. He should teach his kids to ALWAYS stay in the will of God. The only way you can protect yourself at all times from Satan is to stay in the will of God at all times. Never compromise your Godly values with the world. Teach this to your children.
  7. A real father should not have non believer or non-Christian friends exposing their anti God opinions to his children. Liberalism and God values have nothing in common. A father can love liberals and non Christians and try to bring them to Christ. But a Father should never allow a Non Christian or unbeliever to influence his children. He must guard this Childs mind against these types of people. He should also not allow unfiltered internet service or cable T.V. in the house. A real father should never allow his kids to be consumed with T.V. or video games or spending large amount of time on the internet. A real father will search his kid’s computer to make sure his kids are not trying to search for pornographic or other illicit internet sites. NEVER should a father allow his children to watch PG or rated R movies. This is the number one way Satan infiltrates a young person’s mind and destroys it. A father should never allow his children to look at violence or profanity on T.V.  Real fathers should only subscript to basic channels and not the whole cable T.V. package or better yet not have cable T.V. at all. Most programs on T.V. are very destructive to a Childs mind. As well as the adults mind.

This, of course is the short list of what real fathers should do. If fathers would put God first in everything they do this world we live in would be a better place. If men and fathers took the responsibility for their actions instead of blaming the woman or other people, this world would be a better place. May God bless all the fathers and I pray that all fathers will submit to God and allow God to be the head of his household. Be bold courageous and most of all be a God-fearing, obedient husband and father.

I think God for the Gift of Life

I lay my head to rest every night with no resentment. Because God’s grace shined down on me the day I was born.

My natural mother was only 15 years old when she gave me up to adoption. I don’t know if she even knew God or not. But the grace of God was on her that day when she decided to let me live instead of killing me.

I could have been Jeremiah1v5one of the millions and millions of babies that were not given a chance of life, because the mother decided to kill them.

God’s grace was on my natural mother when she decided not to kill me, but instead decided to give me life and put me up for adoption.

I awake each morning and take a look outside. Whether it’s rain or shine, I think him for another day of Life.

God has created the world we live and God has given us all the gift of Life.

I think him for the life he gave me. His grace rescued me the day I was born.

I marvel at the beauty of the world every day.

Satan is o
nly here for a short while, and God is in complete control of everything.

The moment I gave up my life, and pursuing my on worldly pleasures, is the moment I found out who God was.

I took the time out to read Gods Word in the morning. My time with him grew from 15 minutes to several hours every morning.

God reminded me that Life is a precious Gift.

God is like a drug to me.  I need him, come morning and night. His Holy scriptures get me started with a fresh and renewed mind every morning.

I can be in pain and
still reverence God. I can think God for all that he has given me.

God has given me the most precious gift of all and that is life.

I am alive today because of the Grace of God. His grace saved my life the day I was born. The same way his grace saved your life the day you were born.

This is one of
the reasons I hate abortion. Because abortion is murder. I wouldn’t be here today if my natural mother would have chosen to murder me instead of giving me up to adoption.

The other reason I hate abortion is because God knew all of us before we were formed in the womb. God also said in the Ten Commandments. “Thou shall not Kill.”

Abortion is Murder.

God has given you the gift of life too, why would you want to rob someone else of that gift when you kill them in their mother’s womb. This is exactly what you do when you choose to vote for a candidate that supports killing babies.

It is my responsibi
lity as a Christian to help save as many lives as possible from people that kill innocent babies. Abortion is satanic and it is the devils work.

Satan wants to Rob, Kill and Destroy and he will do it through any means possible. And abortion is one of those means.

And when you decide to vote for a candidate that supports the killing of babies, you are helping Satan carry out his number one goal, and that is to Kill.

It is
my responsibility as a man of God to protect the unborn. And the easiest way for me to do that is to vote for a pro life candidate.

Christians that vote for a candidate that support the killing of babies are helping abortionist all over the country kill innocent babies. Christians are helping Satan carry out his work of killing innocent babies and the blood is on their hands. It is a mortal sin. If you have ever voted for a candidate that supports the slaughtering of innocent babies you must repent of your sins and come clean before God. And turn from your wicked ways. Murder is a sin and you help commit murder every time you vote for a candidate that supports killing babies.

If you’re a Christian Gods will should be the number one priority in your life. Once you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your personal savior, you should choose his will over your own will.

It may be your will to support a candidate that supports killing babies, because you like other attributes of the candidate. So therefore you rationalize your choice of voting for a baby killer because the candidate may appease you in other areas. At this point and time you have chosen your own will over God’s will. God is Life; there are no exceptions to God. Nothing comes before life.

God as called us all to be his servant. In order to live for God you have to give up your own will and live for the Will of God.

Please join me, in helping defend the innocent babies from being slaughtered by evil people that are carrying out the will of Satan. And every time you vote for a candidate that supports killing babies you are helping Satan carry out his will. The blood is on your hands too, not just the abortion doctor and the mother. Because of your willingness to choose the Will of Satan over God’s will you have committed murder. By choosing your own Will over the Will of God you have helped kill an innocent baby. I would hope you would choose God’s Will of life over your own Will of selfishness and Satan’s Will of Death.

Vote for Life, not Murder. Vote God values. Your moral conscious will think you for it.